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Behandling av oesophagusperforasjoner
Engelsk titel: Treatment of oesophageal perforations Läs online Författare: Gondal G ; Johnson E ; Johannessen HO ; Hofstad B Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 08052000


Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening 2008;128(9)1050-2 ISSN 0029-2001 E-ISSN 0807-7096 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


BACKGROUND : Esophageal perforation is a serious condition with a high mortality. Treatment is both surgical and conservative. MATERIAL AND METHODS : Records were retrospectively reviewed for 22 patients (17 men), with median age 64 (30-85) years, that had been treated for esophageal perforation at Ullevaal University Hospital in the period 2000-2006. RESULTS : Perforation was cervical in two (9%) patients, thoracic in 19 (86%) and abdominal in 1 (5%) of the patient(s). The etiology was iatrogenic in 11 (50%) patients, emetic in 8 (36%) and caused by a foreign body in 3 (14%) patients. Five patients with an iatrogenic etiology had oesophageal cancer. Diagnosis after onset of symptoms was evident within 24 hours in 41% patients, during 24-72 hours in 14% and later than 72 hours in 45% of the patients. Half of the patients (11) were treated surgically, including two that had been initially treated conservatively. Five patients (23%) died of thoracic perforations during hospitalization and there were no other deaths. Median hospital stay was 54 (3-174) days. At the end of follow-up median survival was 113 (12-660) days and 10 of the 22 patients were dead (45%). INTERPRETATION : Our impression is that early surgery of oesophageal perforation in fit patients can improve the outcome.