Felaktigt tillredd bröstmjölksersättning gav hyperton dehydrering. Bortglömd risk vid flaskuppfödning
Engelsk titel: Improperly prepared formula caused hypertonic dehydration. Forgotten risk in bottle feeding
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Lidefelt, Karl-Johan
Mårtensson, Thomas
Email: thomas.martensson@karolinska.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 19
UI-nummer: 11041021
Hypernatraemic dehydration, s-sodium > 150 mmol/l, constitutes a medical
emergency requiring prompt diagnosis and management. Hypernatraemic dehydration is commonly seen in children <2 years of age with gastroenteritis, but any condition affecting the body water balance including high solute load of nutritional origin can contribute to this condition. We report a 6 week old infant with gastroenteritis and severe hypernatraemia, where intake of improperly prepared formula probably contributed to a malignant clinical course. Therefore, it should be emphasized that a detailed medical history including feeding practices is crucial in infants and young children with gastroenteritis.