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ILSI Brazil International Workshop on Functional Foods: a narrative review of the scientific evidence in the area of carbohydrates, microbiome, and health
Engelsk titel: ILSI Brazil International Workshop on Functional Foods: a narrative review of the scientific evidence in the area of carbohydrates, microbiome, and health Läs online Författare: Latulippe, Marie E ; Meheust, Agnes ; Augustin, Livia ; Benton, David ; Bercik, Premysl ; Birkett, Anne ; Eldridge, Alison L ; Faintuch, Joel ; Hoffmann, Christian ; Miller Jones, Julie ; Kendall, Cyril ; Lajolo, Franco ; Perdigon, Gabriela ; Prieto, Pedro Antonio ; Rastall, Robert A ; Sievenpiper, John L ; Slavin, Joanne ; Wenzel de Menezes, Elizabete Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 169 Dokumenttyp: Symposium UI-nummer: 13033810


Food and Nutrition Research 013;57(19214)1-18 ISSN 1654-6628 E-ISSN 1654-661X KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)