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Ein intervjustudie: Bruk av stillingar og bevegelsar i yoga
Engelsk titel: The use of positions and movements in yoga. An interview study Läs online Författare: Sörebö, Mariann ; Thornquist, Eline Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 24 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 14113897


Fysioterapeuten 2014;81(10)22-6 ISSN 0016-3384 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Purpose: To document experiences with and reflections on the use of positions and movements in yoga. Design, material and method: Qualitative semistructured interviews of yogainstructors trained as physiotherapists. Interviews with four informants were performed using audio-recorder and an interview guide, and the recordings were transcribed and subjected to a content analysis. Results: Three main themes with sub-themes emerged about the use of positions and movements: i) variation in space and direction, ii) performance with emphasis on tempo and effort and iii) self- acceptance with respect to setting limits and coping. The interplay between the different components was a vital feature of yoga according to the informants, and they underscored focused awareness both as a means and an end in yoga practise. Conclusion: The informants presented yoga as an approach to movements with effects of both a physical and mental character. They emphasized self-acceptance and patience as prerequisites for obtaining change and personal development.