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Aktionsforskningsmetodens styrker og udfordringer - Erfaringer fra et sygeplejefagligt forskningsprojekt
Engelsk titel: Action research method - strengths and barriers: lessons from a research project in nursing Läs online Författare: Teglborg, Pennie ; Hovdenak Jakobsen, Ida ; Kragelund, Linda Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 21 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15063867


Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning 2015;5(2)106-120 ISSN 1892-2678 E-ISSN 1892-2686 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The action research project 'Development of regional Psychiatric Institutions as Learning Environments' aimed to develop nurses' competences as mentors and hospital wards as clinical learning environments for student nurses. In this paper methodological results and experiences are discussed. Central to the project was working seminars where the 93 mentors, 17 education coordinators and the leader of the project met to discuss methods for generating data and results of the data analysis. The mentors and education coordinators also met in local working groups, where they exchanged experiences and discussed how to generate data. Data was generated through two focus group interviews with the mentors, the mentors writing log books about mentoring and the mentors observing each other's practice. A steering committee coordinated the project. The committee prepared the actions, planned the data generation and undertook the analysis of data. In conclusion the action research method showed useful in developing mentors’ competences and learning environments in hospital wards. Furthermore the project strengthened the mentors' motivation for developing practice. Part of the conclusion is also that mentors got less involved in the project than they were meant to.