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Nye evidensbaserte tiltak for å bedre oral helse hos eldre siste 10 år
Engelsk titel: How to improve dental health among frail elders, new evidence-based findings the past 10 years Läs online Författare: Matri, Kristine Lindstad ; Willumsen, Tiril ; Fjeld, Katrine Gahre Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 16013968


Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2015;125(10)872-7 ISSN 0029-2303 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The elderly population in developed countries is increasing rapidly, but despite improvements in medical care, age is still associated with reduced function, frailty and increased susceptibility to morbidity. Several studies show correlations between general health and dental health, thus an increased need for knowledge of the dental health among frail elderly is warranted. In this rewiev article, we discuss efforts that may improve oral health of the elderly population described in relevant literature the past 10 years. The article focuses on transferability to Norwegian conditions, feasibility and economical aspects. We looked at three different categories on how to improve oral health among elders; 1. initiatives / programs executed of non-dental healthcare personel, 2. helping aides and 3. dental cleaning executed of dentists/dental hygienists. Several efforts showed positive outcomes. An interesting finding is the positive effect on oral health by using an exercise program in various oral muscles, which showed improved bite force, salivation and swallowing ability. These findings indicate that cooperation with physiotherapist is useful in institutions and nursing homes for elders. Among dental aides, one study showed that application of chlorhexidine varnish, Duraphat® varnish and silver diamine fluoride (SDF) on root surfaces, gave a significant reduction in the development of new rootcaries lesions. The use of electric toothbrushes in nursing homes may also be a valuable resource, especially in those who need help to dental care. Frequent dental care performed by a dentist or a dental hygienist shows good results. These measurements are dependent on the financial resources of institutions for the elderly and / or private economy, as well as how these needs are prioritized. There are few solid randomized controlled studies on the effort to improve oral health in frail elderly. Thus, more extensive clinical studies are necessary.