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University development and co-operation in Norway and Europe
Engelsk titel: University development and co-operation in Norway and Europe Läs online Författare: Nyborg, Per Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 50 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16043537


Michael Quarterly 2016;13(1)13-49 ISSN 1504-0658 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


After the Second World War, higher education became one of the driving forces in a continuing societal and industrial development. University leaders started to meet regularly, to develop common principles for the further development of higher education and research in the universities. As rector conferences developed into association of universities, new fora were established where university representatives met with representatives for national and European authorities, discussing higher education policies, culminating with the 1999 Bologna Conference and the still continuing Bologna Process. This article describes the development of the Norwegian higher education system and the parallel development of the Norwegian rectors’ conferences into the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions. On the European level it describes the development of rectors’ conferences, leading to the European University Association, the cooperation between university and ministerial authorities in the Council of Europe, and how it all came together in the Bologna Process. In Norway, this was the start of the Quality Reform. Now, ten years later, we may need a new reform, focusing on experience-based tertiary education relevant for a labour market in rapid change.