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Bättre regelverk behövs för medicintekniska produkter
Engelsk titel: Better regulatory framework needed for medical devices Läs online Författare: Sjögren, Petteri ; Sjövall, Henrik Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 3 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16047238


Läkartidningen 2016;113(10)458-9 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


We summarize an HTA report regarding patient values of drug-eluting stents and balloons for treatment of atherosclerotic disease in the lower extremities. We found 17 randomized controlled trials, 4 cohort studies and 13 case series. The total number of studied patients was substantial (about 3,000) but there was a strong heterogeneity regarding site of lesion, symptom pattern, device, drug used and outcome measures, making the analysis difficult and based on relatively small subgroups. We found low certainty of evidence (GRADE ++) for a reduced risk of restenosis in patients with critical ischemia and lesions below the knee, and also a modest beneficial effect on ischemic symptoms in a mixed patient population. However, we also identified a worrying safety signal, with increased risk for amputation in a group of patients with below-the-knee disease and critical ischemia. The results highlight the need for a structured system for validation of medical devices, a system analogous to that currently used for evaluation of new pharmacological products.