God social funktion hos et barn med kraftig synsnedsaettelse på grund af korioretinale kolobomer
Engelsk titel: Good social function in a child with severe visual loss due to colobomas
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Molbech Madsen, Mads Brok
Gade, Else
Email: madsbmmadsen@hotmail.com
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 16067508
A child born with bilateral colobomas was referred to the Department of Ophthalmology. At birth the child was assumed to be
blind. During the follow-up period of seven years his visual acuity improved to 0.08 and he became a socially and intellectually
well-functioning child. He attended a normal school, and in his spare time he was able to ride his bike, swim and play football.
This example illustrates how difficult it is to predict the visual and social function of a newborn with poor vision.