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Unravelling Swedish informal caregivers' Generalised Resistance Resources
Engelsk titel: Unravelling Swedish informal caregivers' Generalised Resistance Resources Läs online Författare: Wennerberg, Mia M T ; Eriksson, Monica ; Danielson, Ella ; Lundgren, Solveig M Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 32 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16113514


Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2016;30(3)602-13 ISSN 0283-9318 E-ISSN 1471-6712 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Interlinked aspects, as demographic changes, accentuation on home-based community care, increase the amount of informal caregivers to older adults. To preserve and enhance their health are subsequently essential and a reoccurring topic on political agendas. How this may be achieved is vividly debated and mainly focused on elimination of risks and stresses associated with caregiving. Within health promotion, the salutogenic approach focusing on resources to health is recognised and this approach was used to acquire necessary knowledge to enhance caregivers' health ‘the salutogenic way’. Aim: To present Generalised and Specific Resistance Resources (GRRs/SRRs) described by caregivers as stemming from themselves and their carerecipients. Methodology: To unravel caregivers' GRRs/SRRs, a theory-driven, explorative design guided by definitions of GRRs/SRRs was utilised. Data were collected through salutogenically guided interviews with 32 Swedish caregivers in one municipality. Inductively, data were analysed using content analysis to identify each caregiver's SRRs and thereafter deduction to identify the population's GRRs. Findings: The synthesis of findings, caregivinghood, encompasses several domains of GRRs seemingly involved in caregivers' movements towards health. In the caregiver domain, ‘Being someone significant in my own eyes’ unites the essence of having access to GRRs stemming from oneself and ‘Being "blessed" with a co-operative co-worker’ that of having access to GRRs stemming from the carerecipient. This may be the core in an orientation to life which creates positive life experiences, since it enables caregivers to find a ‘fit’ between the possible and desired when resolving challenges. Conclusion and implications: Health-promoting initiatives should be conducted as partnerships between formal and informal sources due to the versatility of GRRs. It also seems essential to empower both parties so that they may make sense of their situation and use their available GRRs/SRRs in this ‘joint venture’ of managing. Thereby, their motivation to continue the journey through Caregivinghood may be enhanced. Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.