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Gross National Happiness - jämlikhet och intersektionalitet i ett holistiskt paradigm
Engelsk titel: Gross National Happiness - equality and intersectionality in a holistic paradigm Läs online Författare: Rosengren, Anna Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 16 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16123646


Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2016;93(5)612-21 ISSN 0037-833x KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


This article aims to describe some of the potentials of GNH, Gross National Happiness, when it comes to equality and intersectionality in a holistic paradigm. Being an alternative way of measuring and sustaining welfare, GNH brings about a totally new paradigm that in many ways turns the Western tradition of GDP inside out. When it comes to intersectionality this means that it may include and transcend all kinds of intersectional interpretations, thus offering a wider and more holistic arena for equality, that also connects to other dimensions in society and worklife. GNH may also be seen as a mandala, a compact way of describing and understanding multi-dimensional, non-hierarchical organization forms. In this way it equips our understanding of organization and collective strategies with a more complexity-friendly and all-inclusive potentials. GNH as a mandala shaped vision may thus function as maps for handling the intersectionality, organization and social resilience of next generation.