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Gerodonti – ett nordiskt perspektiv på utbildning, organisation och finansiering
Engelsk titel: Geriatric dentistry – a Nordic perspective on education, organization and economics Läs online Författare: Wårdh, Inger ; Widström, Eeva ; Jeppe-Jensen, Dorte ; Solemdal, Kirsten ; Gahnberg, Lars Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 29 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17030207


Tandläkartidningen 2017;109(3)66-73 ISSN 0039-6982 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Geriatric dentistry is a young discipline that has developed in response to the increase in older groups of the dentate geriatric population, and with it consequently also the need for special knowledge and skills to take care of the elderly’s oral health. However, geriatric dentistry has not yet been established within the dental profession’s educational or organizational systems. Further on, education in geriatric dentistry varies between universities in the Nordic countries and funding of geriatric dentistry varies between diff erent regions. The target group of elderly is an increasing proportion of society and dental patients, and the current article focuses on the most relevant societal odontological aspects of geriatric dentistry. Elderly are a heterogeneous group that comprises healthy adults through to dependent residents in nursing homes, which presents many challenges and not just in respect of theoretical knowledge and clinical skills. To secure a good oral health throughout life, effective care systems and fi nancial support are also necessary.