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Andra behandlingsalternativ vid svårbehandlad epilepsi
Engelsk titel: Treatment with neurostimulation and ketogenic diet for people with medically refractory epilepsy Läs online Författare: Kumlien, Eva ; Hallböök, Tove ; Dahlin, Maria Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 17 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18090159


Läkartidningen 2018;115(21)925-7 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


For some people with medically refractory epilepsy adjunct treatment with neurostimulation and ketogenic diet can be an option. Vagal nerve stimulation, VNS, consists of chronic intermittent electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. VNS is effective and well tolerated in adolescents and adults. There is insufficient evidence on the efficacy of deep brain stimulation, DBS, and brain-responsive neurostimulation, RNS. Ketogenic diet is an established treatment in epilepsy with an increased number of indications, especially in neurometabolic diseases, where dietary therapy can completely eliminate epilepsy and improve cognitive and motor development. Ketogenic diet is a calculated diet consisting of a high amount of fat, the daily need of protein and a minimum of carbohydrates. The fat is converted to ketone bodies and transported across the blood-brain barrier to be used as an alternative energy source in the brain. Strictly calculated menus, regular monitoring and support from a team of dietician, nurse and physician are required.