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Diabetes i ett aktuellt odontologiskt perspektiv
Engelsk titel: Diabetes in a current odontological perspective Läs online Författare: Klinge, Björn ; Gustafsson, Anders ; Buhlin, Kåre Språk: Swe Antal referenser: Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19020227


Aktuel Nordisk Odontologi 2019;44(1)90-108 ISSN 1902-3545 E-ISSN 2058-7538 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Both diabetes and periodontitis are common diseases. The interest in the association between these common diseases is large and increasing. There is often discussion about a two-way relationship. This means that diabetes affects the extent and severity of periodontitis, but also that the severity of periodontitis seems to affect blood glucose levels in an individual with diabetes. Successful treatment of periodontitis can lower blood glucose levels. According to all forecasts, the incidence of diabetes increases both globally and in the Nordic countries. Furthermore, a large group of individuals has undiagnosed diabetes, or the precursors to diabetes. This review article describes diabetes and the connection to periodontitis. Current recommendations for treatment of periodontitis in diabetic patients are reported.