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A survey of Icelandic elementary school teachers’ knowledge and views of autism – Implications for educational practices
Engelsk titel: A survey of Icelandic elementary school teachers’ knowledge and views of autism – Implications for educational practices Läs online Författare: Bjornsson, Bjorn Gauti ; Saemundsen, Evald ; Njardvik, Urdur Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 21 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19090070


Nordic Psychology 2019;71(2)81-92 ISSN 1901-2276 E-ISSN 1904-0016 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


This study examined Icelandic elementary school teachers’ knowledge and views of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Teachers (n = 863) answered an online questionnaire including demographic questions, statements about ASDs and statements related to the respondents’ views on the education of children with ASDs. The age distribution and proportion of regular classroom teachers to special education teachers was similar to the general population of teachers. The results show that the teachers’ knowledge of effective teaching methods is fairly good but greater uncertainty was evident in the answers to statements related to the nature of ASDs. Teachers’ views on the suitability of special schools for children with ASDs differed but the majority agreed that their own education did not adequately cover the issues of teaching children with ASDs. The results indicate a need for training and continuing education for teachers working with children diagnosed with ASDs.