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Aeldre ortopaedkirurgiske patienters viden om kost, önsker til måltidsrutiner og aktiviteter, der öger kostindtagelsen under sygehusindlaeggelse
Engelsk titel: Elderly orthopedic patients` knowledge about nutrition, preferred nursing routines at mealtime, which increase the appetite during hospital stay Läs online Författare: Pedersen PU ; Cameron U Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 18 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 99085288


Vård i Norden 1999;19(1)24-8 ISSN 0107-4083 E-ISSN 1890-4238 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Malnutrition is a common phenomenon among elderly patients after surgery. Decreased food intake leads to loss of fat free mass, increase the rate of complications, LOS and the feeling of postoperative fatigue. Aim: To study the patients knowledge of proper food, their activities to enhance energy and protein intake and their preferences regarding nursing action at mealtimes. Patients: After written consent patients consecutive admitted to the orthopaedic ward at the Roskilde County Hospital Køge were allocated to the study. Inclusion above the age of 65, admitted for a hip- or kneereplacement, fractured neck of the femur, expected LOS > 7 days, able to understand Danish. Exclusions patients on diet, with hepatorenal- or endocrine disorders. 123(91%) patients participated. Design: A descriptive, survey. Three days before planned discharge a questionnaire with fixed options was handed to the patients. The questionnaire was face and content validated. Results: 75% think that dieting is good after surgery and that nutrition only plays a minor part for a successfully rehabilitation. 78% want information on proper food. 75% want hygiene before breakfast. 10% felt hunger and 15% thirst daily without asking for anything. In the afternoon 50% and in the evening 75% skipped the snacks. Conclusion: Elderly patients admitted for orthopaedic surgery have a poor knowledge of proper food and the importance of nutrition in the postoperative fase, but they have significant wishes to the nursing actions and the ward routines.