BACKGROUND : Severe spasticity may lead to problems of movement and function, pain and hygiene, and may be difficult to treat. A team of neurologists and physiotherapists evaluated the effect of botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) on spasticity.
MATERIAL AND METHODS : Ten patients with central nervous disorders were included in this study. Function, pain and personal hygiene were assessed before and after injections with BTX-A.
RESULTS : Nine patients experienced improvement of function and/or pain relief. One patient had improved perception in his hand, and one patient needed only two injections to stop a vicious circle. The effect varied from patient to patient. It seemed that patients with some preserved motor control in the spastic limb could use it to learn more appropriate movement strategies.
INTERPRETATION : We recommend that doctors and physiotherapists work together to identify muscle groups that need to be targeted for injection and evaluate consequences of the treatment. Injections with BTX-A should be combined with physiotherapy.