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Intensiv fysisk traening efter hoftenaer femurfraktur. En randomiseret klinisk undersögelse
Engelsk titel: Intensive physical therapy after trochanteric femoral fracture. A randomized clinical trial Läs online Författare: Birk Lauridsen U ; de La Cour BB ; Gottschalck L ; Hjorth Svensson B Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 14 Dokumenttyp: RCT UI-nummer: 02021896


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2002;164(8)1040-4 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: This randomised study evaluates the effect of intensive physical therapy on the duration of rehabilitation after hip fracture. Materials and methods: The study comprised 88 patients transferred for rehabilitation after operative treatment for hip fracture. After randomisation, 44 patients received physical therapy 3.6 hours (median) a week, whereas the 44 control patients received physical therapy 1.9 hours a week. The outcome was defined as the duration of physical rehabilitation until the patient was able to 1) walk 50 metres in less than two minutes; 2) manage to climb stairs to the first floor; 3) manage the sit-to-stand transfer; 4) get in and out of bed; 5) manage bathing, dressing, and lavatory visits. Results: In the group randomised to intensive physical therapy, 24 patients dropped out after 15 days (median) whereas 13 patients dropped out of the control group after 22 days. Drop outs were caused by orthopaedic complications, general weakness, and poor co-operation. No difference was found in the duration of physical rehabilitation by analysis per protocol of the patients who completed the trial. Discussion: The considerable number of drop outs suggests that intensive physical therapy may be of limited value in the attempt to reduce the duration of rehabilitation after hip fracture. An altered objective, including enhanced out-patient rehabilitation, may be necessary in order to reduce the length of hospital stay after hip fracture.