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Engelsk titel: Neonatal medicine at the appropriate level of care? Läs online Författare: Fundingsrud HP ; Kaaresen PI ; Dahl LB Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 7 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 03071027


Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening 2003;123(13-14)1849-51 ISSN 0029-2001 E-ISSN 0807-7096 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


CONCLUSION : Improvements could be made to the allocation of patients to appropriate level of care. Preterms less than 32 weeks are adequately selected for inutero transport. A higher proportion of large preterms should be delivered and treated at the neonatal care unit in Hammerfest. RESULTS : 255 newborns from Finnmark County were admitted to the University Hospital, of which 175 (69%) were delivered at the University Hospital. 70 (28%) were primarily admitted to an inappropriate level of care. 93% of preterms less than 32 weeks of gestational age and 85% of preterms at 32-35 weeks were transported inutero to the University Hospital. In 16% of hospital days at the University Hospital, the level of care was considered inappropriate. 50% of the children were discharged to hospitals in Finnmark County, while 41% went home directly. 58% of the preterms spent their last days in hospital in the neonatal care unit in Hammerfest. METHOD : Place of birth, unit of admission, ventilator treatment, total and "unnecessary" length of stay in a tertiary unit, and to which location the children were discharged, were recorded from medical records of sick newborns from Finnmark transferred to the University Hospital of North Norway during 1992-99. BACKGROUND : To explore the utilisation of neonatal care resources in the region.