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Personlig egenhet; - et kvalifikasjonskrav i sykepleie - hvordan sykepleiens innholds- og handlingsaspekt kan danne grunnlag for beslutningar om egnethet
Engelsk titel: Personal suitability; - a requirement of qualification in nursing - how aspects of content and action in nursing forms the basis of decisions about personal suitability as a requirement of qualification in nursing Läs online Författare: Baklund I Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 50 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 05093272


Vård i Norden 2005;25(3)55-60 ISSN 0107-4083 E-ISSN 1890-4238 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The article debates how the aspect of content and action in nursing forms the basis of decisions about personal suitability as a requirement of qualification in nursing. The purpose is to procure useful knowledge for reflection about the jurisdiction of nursing in a market-oriented society, for help for nurse-managers in the recruiting- and selectionprocess. Through a descriptive embedded multiple case design with a qualitative approach, four recruiting- and selection contexts was studied. By means of a theoretical framework based on Human Resource Management theory and Herbert Simons propositions about bounded rationality, the data were analysed by Kvales ad hoc generation of meaning. Personal suitability is a requirement of qualification in nursing when aspects of content and action in nursing are well defined through a ward-specific job-analysis. The results of the analysis have to be used by the nurse-manager with right to nominate, as preferences in assessment of the applicants in the recruiting- and selectionprocess. Further, the formal authorisation criteria and the medical speciality at the ward, most not be the only preferences in assessment of the applicants. If so, the jurisdiction of professional skills in nursing will still remain subordinate the profession of medicine