Ett nivåspecifikt bedömningsinstrument för sjuksköterskeprogrammets kliniska utbildning
Engelsk titel: An assessment tool for clinical nursing education
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Öhlen J
Erixon G
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 40
UI-nummer: 05093273
The aim of this study was to develop
an assessment tool for clinical
nursing education specific for
the three levels of undergraduate
nursing education. The purposed
context for the assessment tool
was Swedish university baccalaureate
nursing programs. The
assessment tool was developed,
tested and evaluated stepwise.
First, a theoretical frame concerning
knowledge and competence
in nursing was developed assuming
continuity between theoretical
and practical knowledge out
of complex competences. Then,
objectives for learning in terms of
competences were operationalized.
The Sahlgrenska University
Clinical Nursing Assessment Tool
(SUCNAT) for the three levels of
nursing education is structured
into three areas of competences:
practical skills, problem solving
and reflection, and professional
stance. It is aimed for student self
evaluation in combination with
nurse evaluation of student’s
competence as basis for evaluation
of students in clinical education.
In addition, a questionnaire
to students, their supervisors and
teachers, as well as discussions
with expert panels enabled the
development. Further research of
the reliability, validity, and practical
application of the assessment
tool is suggested.