This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and gender-age distribution of use of snus (Swedish snuff) and to identify attitudinal factors that explain intended use of snus. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 858 students (mean age 21 yr) attending their first study year at the University of Bergen and at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in 2004. A total of 16??% men and 1??% women reported to use snus on a daily basis. On average, use of snus appeared for the first time at age 18 and 17 in male and female students, respectively. Men had stronger intentions, more positive attitudes, felt stronger social pressure and higher degree of behavioral control with respect to use of snus than their female counterparts. Attitudes were the most important motivating factor for both men and wmen. To prevent students from becoming involved with smokeless tobacco, the positive (e.g. facilitate control of stress and weight gain) and negative (health risks) consequences that they associate with snus use should be hampered and reinforced, respectively. Dental staff treating adolescents and young adults should be committed to the delivery of individual advices in order to avoid among them several heath problems-poor oral health.