Medförer skiftarbejde öget forekomst af spontan abort, praeterm födsel eller lav födselsvaegt?
Engelsk titel: Does shift work cause spontaneous abortion, preterm birth or low birth weight?
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Bonde JP
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 32
UI-nummer: 07031044
I Denmark 30% of females in the reproductive age regularly have shift work. 22 epidemiological papers were studied looking at associations between shift work and abortion, stillbirth, preterm birth, and birth weight. No convincing associations were observed between rotating shift work or fixed nightshift and negative pregnancy outcome. Some epidemiological support was found for a relation between fixed nightshift and late abortion/stillbirth. If fixed night work for all pregnant women is avoided, seven late abortion/stillbirths a year can be prevented. Fixed night work for pregnant women should be avoided.