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Sociala nätverk och socialt stöd i återhämtningsprocessen från alkoholmissbruk
Engelsk titel: Social networks and social support in the recovery process from alcohol misuse Läs online Författare: Levälahti J Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 28 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 07053516


Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift 2007;24(1)23-44 ISSN 1455-0725 E-ISSN 1458-6126 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the role of social networks in the recovery process from alcohol misuse. Data: Narrative interviews with eleven former alcoholics where thematic questions about social networks were asked. The informants were recruited through newspapers, social- and health care workers, alcohol therapists and AAgroups. Method: The interviews were analysed using the method "part and content" for narrative analyse of Lieblich et al. (1998). Social networks-formal, contextual and informal-provide different kinds of social support: emotional, instrumental, informational and existential. Social networks and social support were studied during three phases of the informants' lives: during addiction, at the turning point and during maintenance of sobriety. Results and conclusions: The results show that emotional support, in the form of availability to other persons and good treatment, were the most important kinds of support, although other forms of support could also be essential. All kinds of networks provide social support in different life phases. The importance of the informal networks seems to increase during the maintenance of a resolution to stop drinking.