Diagnose, udredning og opfölgning af patienter med prostatacancer
Engelsk titel: Diagnosis, evaluation and follow-up of patients with prostatic cancer
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Jönler M
Venborg Pedersen K
Email: jonler@dadlnet.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 07051626
The current diagnostic modalities for diagnosing and evaluating prostate cancer are described. DRE, PSA and TRUS are the three major cornerstones of the diagnostic approach and further evaluation includes bone scans. Lymphnode status can be evaluated only by lymphadenectomy, but is only of interest when curative treatment is considered. Follow-up after both curative intended treatment and hormonal treatment for advanced disease includes regular clinical checkups and evaluation of PSA status. Specific examinations may be considered depending on the symptoms and findings.