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Ingen akut mangel på anaestesisygeplejersker
Engelsk titel: No acute shortage of nurse anesthetists Läs online Författare: Svendsen A Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 0 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 07063662


Sygeplejersken 2007;107(10)56-9 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The article describes a survey carried out by the Association of Danish Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Recovery Nurses in 2005. With a view to evaluating future recruitment problems, the survey charted the number of anaesthesia nurses in Denmark, their current distribution in terms of age and the current annual training capacity. Method: A count was made of the number of anaesthesia nurses and a questionnaire distributed to all the previous counties (the counties per se have disappeared as the result of a reform, ed.). Result: Retirement is not the sole explanation of the shortage of anaesthesia nurses. Training capacity is appropriate relative to the number of anaesthesia nurses retiring from the profession. Substantial differences exist between training capacity and recruitment problems in the different regions. It is recommended that the following factors be included in future planning training capacity: The number of nurses retiring from the profession, the number changing speciality or taking other positions, location of the individual specialities, the development of accelerated patient treatment and that of new anaesthesia methods, task slippage and new activities such as pre-hospital treatment.