Er lokalt appliserbare antibiotika nyttige som tillegg til mekanisk behandling i terapien av
En systematisk litteraturoversikt
Engelsk titel: Are topically administered antibiotics beneficial as adjunct to scaling and root planing in the
treatment of periodontal diseases? A systematic literature review
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Mjöen E
Romstad E
Gjermo P
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 24
UI-nummer: 07063704
Local antibiotics have been reported successful in treatment of periodontitis. However, design, stringency, and outcome in such studies seem variable. Thus our focused question was: Are scaling and root planing (SRP) with adjunctive topical antibiotics superior to SRP alone in treating chronic periodontitis? Reports from 1990 to 2003 were electronically searched using the terms «periodontitis»/«periodontology» combined with «local antibiotics»/«topical antibiotics». Only blinded, randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs), comprising more than 20 patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, adjunctively treated with a single, topical antibiotic, and with a follow-up of more than 3 months were accepted. Treatment outcome was assessed by changes in clinical attachment level from baseline to end of study. The initial searches produced 198 articles which eventually were reduced to 11 according to the inclusion criteria. The analyses displayed a possible benefit of applying topical antibiotics in conjunction with SRP. However, the benefit was small and of doubtful clinical significance.