Hvorfor gjör ikke folk som legen sier? Bruken av compliancebegrepet innen psykiatrien
Engelsk titel: Why don't you do what the doctor ordered? The concept of compliance within psychiatry
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Lorem GF
Bakken K
Email: geir.lorem@fagmed.uit.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 37
UI-nummer: 07083937
Medical advice does not necessarily
concur with what the patient
wants. Difference in opinion between
the physician and the patient
may be due to poor communication,
but also different goals
and views of health. This is a
general problem. This article
focuses on the basis for cooperation
between doctor and patient
with regard to use of anti-psychotic
drugs. The question is whether
the concept of compliance recognizes
and takes in the complexity
connected to use of anti-psychotic
drugs. The concept of concordance,
on the other hand, focuses
consultation and cooperation.
The question is whether this is
feasible with regard to treatment
of psychosis.
Compliance depends on what the
patients actually thinks or believes
about the medication regardless
the opinions are in fact true
or not. We argue that patient opinions
and experience will be crucial
in understanding how patients
choose to act. Consequently,
we need a concept that emphasizes
treatment goals and intentions
of the patients. This also necessitates
a need to investigate patient
attitudes about anti-psychotic