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Etablering af Mobilt Akut Team
Engelsk titel: How to establish a mobile emergency team Läs online Författare: Bunkenborg G ; Petersen JA Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 3 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 07083114


Sygeplejersken 2007;107(17)70-1 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


In 2007, Hvidovre Hospital has in collaboration with the management of the anaesthesia department established a Mobile Crisis Team (MCT). Apart from being called in to help instable patients on the parent units, the MCT also constitutes an organisational system consisting of structured instruction, adopted assistance criteria, easy access to procedures for calling in the team, a data-collection system for each call and a data-registration and evaluation system. The MCT's main task is to stabilise unwell patients, although the instruction and guidance of parent-unit staff is an equally crucial function of the team. The article describes specific instruction initiatives aimed at the specially trained intensive-care nurses and selected staff at the parent units in connection with the establishment and testing of MCT.