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Endodonti i primaere tenner.Nye retningslinjer
Engelsk titel: Pulp therapy for primary teeth. New guidelines Läs online Författare: Nag OH ; Fristad I ; Skeie MS Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 28 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 08013051


Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2007;117(15)948-52 ISSN 0029-2303 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Recommended treatment options for endodontic treatment of primary teeth have changed over time. Consequently, standardised treatment options and recommended endodontic procedures, as for permanent teeth, are not found in clinical practice. The need for treatment options that are relative simple and fast combined with a limited functional time for primary teeth, have to some extent governed treatment decisions. Continued function to avoid malocclusion in the permanent dentition has been the main goal for endodontic treatment of primary molars. Therefore, the criteria for successful treatment outcome in primary teeth are often based on clinical signs and symptoms and are not as strict as for permanent teeth. The development of new materials and knowledge in pulp biology has resulted in a need for the revision of treatment guidelines internationally. The aim of this article is to provide an updated overview of contemporary treatment recommendations.