Långvarig smärta hos barn och ungdomar kan och bör behandlas. Problemet är vanligt och medför stort lidande
Engelsk titel: Long-lasting pain in childhood and adolescence can and should be treated. The problem is common and leads to great suffering
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Alfven G
Olsson GL
Email: gosta.alfven@karolinska.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 27
UI-nummer: 08031562
Recurrent pain in childhood is a common problem which often causes disturbances in daily life, school attendance and social relations. The understanding of the pain process is still unclear in many cases. Long-standing stress is of major importance in many cases. In this review, the epidemiology of recurrent pain is described, the aetiology is discussed and alternative treatment, including cognitive behavioural therapy and a pharmacological approach, is presented. In a second part, the meagre special resources in Sweden for the care of recurrent pain are presented and some suggestions about how that could be improved are made.