Förbättrad prenatal diagnostik av medfödda hjärtfel. Uppföljningsstudie av fosterekokardiografiska undersökningar
Engelsk titel: Improved prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects. A follow-up study of prenatal ultrasound screening
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Bergman G
Borgström E
Lundell B
Sonesson SE
Email: gunnar.bergman@karolinska.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 23
UI-nummer: 08031660
A retrospective study was performed on the Stockholm population of 203 028 pregnancies from 1996 to 2004. During this period a four chamber view of the fetal heart was introduced in the prenatal ultrasound screening protocol. The incidence of major congenital heart disease (mCHD) in this cohort was 2,4/1000. The detection rate of mCHD increased from < 10% before 1998 to 41% in 2004. The most complex univentricular heart defects reached 67% detection rate whereas outflow malformations e.g. transposition of the great arteries and coarctation had a significantly lower detection rate.
Further increased detection rate of mCHD will be achieved when outflow tract visualisation is included in the screening protocol. Prenatal diagnosis of mCHD allows for improved neonatal care and results, particularly in infants with duct dependent mCHD.