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Mandibulaer dekkprotese forankret på to implantater.Ti kasus fra en privatpraksis på Helgeland
Engelsk titel: Mandibular overdenture anchored on two implants. Ten cases from a private practice in Helgeland, Northern Norway Läs online Författare: Hamre P Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Fallbeskrivning UI-nummer: 08033438


Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2008;118(4)220-4 ISSN 0029-2303 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Ten patients who were unhappy with their lower mandibular dentures, were treated in a private single-dentist practice in Northern Norway from December 2005 to December 2006. The treatment was installation of implants (AstraTech) with ball abutments in two-stage operations, performed by an experienced oral surgeon. Nine of the patients had both upper and lower dentures, and were experienced denture wearers. One patient was traumatized in an accident at work. He had a marginal dentition in both jaws. He was treated with removal of the teeth, a new upper denture and an overdenture on two implants was made in the mandible. All patients experienced both better masticatory function, and greater satisfaction with their dentures in general. One patient suffered a partial fracture at one implant site. Her voluminous lower denture was removed, and the fracture healed uneventfully. She was satisfied with her overdenture on one implant. This patient was referred to bone augmentation in a hospital. Another patient radically improved his social function as his underbite and non-functional mandibular prothesis was corrected, such that he was able to chew and smile to the satisfaction of his partner. A literature review reveals that the prognosis for overdentures is better in the mandible than in the maxilla. It is also recognized that mandibular dentures are more problematic than maxillary dentures. It is reported that a bar solution is better than ball attachments. Overdentures on implants is a well established treatment modality, and should be considered in all patients who have problems with their mandibular dentures. Even if the cost of this treatment is relatively small compared with many other implant options, it still is too expensive for many Norwegians. The public dental health service does not cover this treatment in general.