Engelsk titel: Use of cannabinoids in palliative medicine
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Ernst G
Kongsgaard U
Email: gernot.ernst@blefjellsykehus.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 55
UI-nummer: 08041801
BACKGROUND : Several countries use drugs containing cannabinoids for symptom management in patients that need palliative treatment.
MATERIAL AND METHOD : Articles were retrieved through a literature search for randomized controlled studies of cannabinoids used to treat cancer-related symptoms such as pain, nausea and appetite.
RESULTS : Evidence for clinical effect is limited. Some randomized studies have shown a treatment effect of cannabinoids in neuropathic pain. Cannabinoid-containing drugs can have a moderate anti-emetic effect and can stimulate appetite in some subgroups of patients.
INTERPRETATION : Many questions about clinical efficacy and side effects have still not been answered for cannabinoid-containing drugs and there is not sufficient evidence available from relevant randomised controlled trials to base a decision on whether or not to permit such drugs in palliative care in Norway. It is however likely that drugs containing cannabinoids can help to control certain symptoms in some patients.