Engelsk titel: Combined surgical and oncological management of colorectal liver metastases
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Bergenfeldt M
Vittrup Jensen B
Email: maber@heh.regionh.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 63
UI-nummer: 08041859
Isolated colorectal liver metastases should be referred for multispecialist management at a liver centre. Long-time survival is possible after resection and adjuvant therapy. If unresectable, newer chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, irinitecan, bevacizumab and cetuximab may result in a median survival > 20 months. Selected patients may be down-staged and resected with good long-time survival. Bilateral, multiple and large metastases can also be treated by complex combinations of portal vein embolization/ligature, staged resections and local (radiofrequency) ablation.