Anaemi - praevalens og aetiologi hos patienter indlagt på en geriatrisk afdeling
Engelsk titel: Anemia - prevalence and etiology among acutely admitted geriatric patients
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Thestrup Pedersen AJ
Skjelbo E
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 20
UI-nummer: 08051942
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia among acutely admitted geriatric patients, and among these patients to ascertain how often anemia is listed as a diagnosis, the distribution of these diagnoses and to compare the diagnostic approach to anemia with that suggested in the literature. Materials and methods: Age, sex and hemoglobin concentrations (hgb) were registered for patients referred to the acute geriatric ward of Odense University Hospital between 6/1/04 and 8/31/04. The prevalence of anemia was determined on the basis of the local laboratory's sex-specific lower reference limits for hgb. Diagnoses of discharge, laboratory data and, if performed, results of bone marrow and endoscopic investigations were also registered for anemic patients. Results: 110 of 289 patients (38%) were anemic. The prevalence was significantly higher among men (61%, 95% confidence interval 51-71%) than among women (27%, 95% confidence interval 21-34%). 30 of the anemic patients (27%) had anemia listed as a diagnosis, including 14 with the diagnosis anemia without specification. A minority of anemic patients had measurements of serum ferritin (37%), serum iron (10%), plasma cobalamin (35%) and erythrocyte folate (35%), and a blood smear was likewise performed on a minority of anemic patients (26%). Conclusion: Anemia often remains undiagnosed or ignored. Clinicians should be aware of the high prevalence of anemia among geriatric patients and should appreciate the importance of a correct diagnostic approach to anemia in the elderly.