Smärtskattning av adrenalininjektorer för behandling av anafylaxi. Rekommendationen att öva inför akut allergisk reaktion styrks av korsstudie
Engelsk titel: Pain estimation caused by adrenaline injectors for the treatment of anaphylaxis. The recommendation to practice the use prior to acute allergic reaction is supported by a cross-sectional study
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Zara K
Hellman BM
Zetterström O
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 18
UI-nummer: 08051967
After each intra-muscular injection, the patient estimated the pain on a Visual Analogue Scale. When both injections had been administrated the patient was asked to compare the injectors, choosing one of five comparative statements comparing the experienced pain caused by the two devices. The results showed that the participants did not estimate the pain as high after either of the injections. Anapen was, however, considered to be the significantly less painful injector (p<0,05) using analysis as for a Likert scale assessment. The fact that adults did not experience the pain of injection as high is of importance for patients who hesitate to self-administrate adrenaline. This fact and the minimal adverse effects, supports the recommendation to practise administration with an active adrenaline auto-injector, when such is prescribed.