Traumatisk diafragmaruptur med displacering af leveren til thorax
Engelsk titel: Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture with displacement of the liver to the right hemithorax
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Hornstrup L
Burcharth F
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 08051991
We report a case of a traumatic diaphragmatic rupture with the liver displaced to the right hemithorax. MR diagnosed the rupture and the displacement of the liver. The patient was operated on and the total right diaphragmatic rupture was reconstructed by suturing. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture may occur after high velocity accidents, especially after lateral collisions in traffic. Diagnosis may be delayed as a result of variable clinical and radiological signs. It is important to discover the rupture in the acute phase. Treatment is operative.