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Enzymet papain anvendt i industri og födevarer giver allergi
Engelsk titel: The enzyme papain used in industry and food causes allergic sensitization Läs online Författare: Rosenthal AP ; Blönd MB Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 5 Dokumenttyp: Fallbeskrivning UI-nummer: 08101139


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2008;170(40)3127-9 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The proteolytic enzyme papain is known to cause allergic sensitization. At a research laboratory several employees developed allergic symptoms after occupational exposure to papain dust and were referred to the local Clinic of Occupational Medicine. 10 out of 22 employees reported work-related ocular itching and symptoms of rhinitis. A Histamine Release Test showed that three employees were sensitized to papain. After the introduction of more stringent hygienic procedures including the use of a fume cupboard and external washing of test tubes during use, all work-related symptoms disappeared.