Hb 17 g/l! Överlevde utan synbara men. Rapport om ett fall av extrem perniciös anemi
Engelsk titel: Hb 17g/l! The patient survived without obvious sequelae. A case report of extreme pernicious anemia
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Lindgren A
Email: anders.al.lindgren@vgregion.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 14
UI-nummer: 08101268
We describe a 45-year-old man with extreme anemia. Despite progressive deterioration of his health over a period of 5–6 years he had persistently refused to seek medical help hoping instead for a spontaneous recovery. As a result of severe anorexia and frequent vomiting for approximately 10 days prior to admission, he finally surrendered and sought medical help. His hemoglobin was found to be 17 g/L. He was dehydrated with serum creatinine 186 µmol/L, which normalized following intravenous fluid substitution, indicating that his true hemoglobin concentration was even lower. The diagnostic work-up showed the classic picture of pernicious anemia with severe gastric body atrophy and uninvolved antrum. He had no neurological signs or symptoms. He was treated with blood transfusions and cyanocobalamin and recovered uneventfully within a couple of weeks. There are very few reports in the literature of patients with lower hemoglobin concentration surviving without sequelae.