Snus och blodtryck. Tvärsnittsstudie av viloblodtryck hos män i MONICA-studien i norra Sverige
Engelsk titel: Snuff and blood pressure. Cross-sectional study of blood pressure in rest among men in the MONICA study in Northern Sweden
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Ångman M
Eliasson M
Email: maja.angman.3622
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 27
UI-nummer: 08121544
The effects of Swedish moist oral snuff, or snus, on blood pressure has been studied in a randomly selected population sample of 4,305 Swedish men between 25 and 74 years of age. We found no elevation of blood pressure in snus users who had never been smokers compared to non tobacco users. In fact, snus users had lower systolic blood pressure, 129 mmHg (95% CI 127-130 mmHg), than non tobacco users, 133 mmHg (CI 132-134 mmHg) in the unadjusted data. However snus users were also much younger and exercised more than the other categories. In the age- and waist circumference adjusted data no significant difference in diastolic or systolic blood pressure was seen between tobacco-free subjects and non-smoking snus users. In the group of current snus users, those using two cans or more per week had a higher systolic blood pressure than those using less snus.