Placeborespons kan förstärka medicinsk terapi. Var uppmärksam på - och påverka - patientens inställning till behandlingen
Engelsk titel: Response to placebo can potentiate medical treatment. Be aware - and influence - the patient's attitude to the treatment
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Wormnes B
Dundas I
Manger T
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 20
UI-nummer: 09011589
The aim of this article is to suggest some uses of the placeboeffect defined by Moerman as effects of the meaning the treatment has for the patient. We base our suggestions on searches in Biological Abstracts, PsycInfo, Medline, and clinical practice as psychologists. We suggest the following ways to use placebo effects: consider what the patient believes about the treatment, be explicit in explaining which positive results you expect, be concrete, utilize the resources of the patient and focus on part-goals, utilize or develop conditioned responses, believe in what you say, be aware of cultural differences and of whether the patients' conditions are likely to be amiable to placebo-influences.