Engelsk titel: Did Henrik Wergeland have ADHD?
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Aanonsen NO
Email: nilsolav.aanonsen@ulleval.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 63
UI-nummer: 09011823
Personnamn som ämnesord:
Wergeland H
X : Henrik Wergeland (1808 - 45) is one of Norwegian cultural history's most notable figures. He is honoured as a national symbol during this year's 200-year jubilee for his birth. Biographies and numerous academic publications have been written about him for more than 100 years. His life was short and diverse; on one hand he continuously worked to give people general education, he was an author and a poet and on the other hand he was always in a dispute with someone and involved in endless court cases and scandals. After his death it was said that Wergeland was one who <<had to loose because of his thoughtlessness, recklessness and lack of worldly wisdom>>. As I see it, his life is so full of events that indicate hyperactivity and impulsivity that I think it is legitimate to ask whether he would have received the diagnosis AD/HD (attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) today.