Udviklingen i befolkningens brug af internettet til sundhedsrelaterede formål
Engelsk titel: Developments in the population's use of the internet for health-related purposes
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Rasmussen J
Rohde I
Ravn BL
Sörensen T
Wynn R
Email: jar@medcom.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 17
UI-nummer: 09031347
Introduction: We wish to study the development in the Danish population's use of the internet for health-related purposes. What has changed from 2005 to 2007? Who is the typical user and what exactly is the internet used for? Material and methods: As part of a larger EU-funded survey, 1,000 randomly selected Danes between 15-80 years of age completed a questionnaire in the fall 2005. The same questions were put to 1.021 Danes in the spring of 2007 to study any trends. Results: A total of 72% of the Danes use the internet when searching for information on health. This constitutes an increase of 20% from 2005. Personal contact with the general practitioner (GP) is still the most important source of health and illness information, but more than 50% also consider the internet to be an important or very important source of health information. Women are still more active than men when searching for health information. A total of 20% of the Danes have consulted their own GP online, which is a 161% increase. Also, it has become more important for the Danes when choosing a GP that he or she offers eServices. Conclusion: The Danes' use of the internet for health information purposes has increased. And when the Danes seek health and illness information, it is primarily used to decide if the GP should be consulted. The GP remains the primary source of information and the Danes consult with their GP more and more frequently via the internet.