Nye metoder til evaluering af sensoriske, biomekaniske og motoriske funktioner i mave-tarm-kanalen
Engelsk titel: Novel methods for the assessment of sensory, biomechanical and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract
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Drewes AM
Email: drewes@smi.auc.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 09041484
The article gives a review of new methods in gastroenterology. The »functional lumen imaging probe« is a method used to evaluate the competence of sphincter regions during distension. The axial force probe can measure forces in the oesophagus during swallowing and give new information about patients with motor disorders of the oesophagus. The »multimodal probe« measures the sensory response to electrical, mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli. Together with advanced modeling of the brain activity, these methods have increased our knowledge about the pathogenesis of sensory symptoms.