Prevalensstudie av samhällskostnader för demenssjukdomar 2000 - 2005. Fler dementa - men något minskad kostnad per person
Engelsk titel: Prevalence study of societal costs for dementia 2000 - 2005. More demented people - but somewhat reduced costs per person
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Wimo A
Johansson L
Jönsson L
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 32
UI-nummer: 09041638
The gross societal costs for dementia in Sweden in 2005 were estimated to 50 billion SEK for 142 200 demented people (352 000 SEK per demented person and year). The net costs were estimated to 38 billion SEK (256 000 SEK per demented person and year). More than 80 per cent of the costs occurred in the municipal sector. The costs for mild, moderate and severe dementia were 250 000, 350 000 and 420 000 SEK per demented person and year respectively. The cost per demented person has decreased from 373 000 SEK to 352 000 SEK per year between 2000 and 2005.