Benigna uterusförändringar kan orsaka infertilitet. Hysteroskopisk operation ökar chansen till normal graviditet
Engelsk titel: Benign uterine pathology can cause infertility. Hysteroscopic surgery increases the chance of normal pregnancy
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Rådestad A
Nathorst Böös J
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 17
UI-nummer: 09061016
Hysteroscopy is the golden standard for diagnosis and treatment of benign intrauterine pathology in infertility patients. This brief overview of hysteroscopic surgery to improve fertility and pregnancy outcome is based on a literature review and our own clinical experience. Conclusive evidence for the beneficial effects of specific hysteroscopic procedures is limited since prospective controlled studies are sparse or lacking. However, there are numerous observational studies suggesting that division of intrauterine septa and adhesions as well as resection of polyps and submucous myomas may improve fertility in selected patients.