De "tapte" forhandlinger - Eldre ektefellers erfaringer med medvirkning i mötet med
Engelsk titel: The "lost" negotiations - Participation in the decision-making process with the home nursing care,
as experienced by elderly spousal caregivers
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Antal referenser: 41
UI-nummer: 09073983
Aim: The aim of the study is to describe how elderly spousal caregivers experience participation in the decision making process with the home
nursing care.
Background: Earlier studies show that family caregivers want to be acknowledged as real partners, but still do not feel involved in the decisionmaking
process. The participation of the older family caregivers has, thus far, received little attention in research, even though their contribution
is of key importance.
Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with nine elderly spousal caregivers; four women and five men between the ages of 72 and 85.
Findings: Findings show that the time of delivery of services is a key issue where spouses want to participate in decisions. Spouses’ strategies of
participation are often subtle and cautious. Regardless of strategy findings indicate that the spouses in most cases lose negotiations, and end up
either doing the care themselves, or complying with the home carers’ decisions.