Tallprocessionsspinnare - stort hälsoproblem på södra Gotland. Resultat av en enkätstudie
Processionary moth larvae that carry noxious hairs (setae) are spread worldwide. A population of the northern pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pinivora) is present on the southern part of the island Gotland in the Baltic sea. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical symptoms and their severity and distribution among persons staying at the most southern part of Gotland during the summer 2006. About 70% replied to a questionnaire sent to all house owners in the area. We received information on more than 4000 persons. 18% reported symptoms likely to be caused by processionary moth larvae. One third of these persons regarded the symptoms as severe. The symptom incidence varied between 4% and 87% depending on the densities of the local larvae populations. Skin symptoms were dominating (around 95%) while around 10% reported symptoms from mucous membranes in the mouth and the airways.