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Var Nietzsches geni en följd av sinnessjukdom?
Engelsk titel: Was Nietzsche's genius a consequence of mental disease? Läs online Författare: Färdow J Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 0 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 09091398 Personnamn som ämnesord: Nietzsche F


Läkartidningen 2009;106(37)2301-3 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche has been a source of controversy in many aspects. So has the philosopher's mental health. By the age of 44 Nietzsche suffered psychiatric illness causing delusions, confusion and megalomania. Over the next 12 years, Nietzsche succumbed to progressive dementia. For many years it was thought that Nietzsche suffered from syphilis. This diagnosis has now been challenged by several other hypotheses. Medical facts point to some kind of organic brain disease, possibly with a hereditary component. The final diagnosis however remains enigmatic. There is no evidence of any psychological or reactive connection between Nietzsche's genius, his high literary productivity and later, his affliction with mental illness. Neither are there any signs of Nietzsche's philosophy being influenced or modified in any fundamental way by his brain disease. Nietzsche did however suffer from many health problems and his suffering has most certainly been of profound importance to many components of his writings.